PFI Netherlands – Summer Symposium June 10, 2018
It is with great pleasure to announce that PFI Netherlands will be holding the first PFI Symposium on Sunday June 10, 2018 in The Hague. A full programme will be made available soon but we are pleased to announce that our key speaker will be Drs. Wilmar Taal who will present his latest book “The Silent Listener – The Life and Works of J.H.W. Eldermans.”
The Richel-Eldermans collection has captivated many people over the past years, not in the least because of it’s enigmatic name bearers Bob Richel and Jan Eldermans. The collection consists greatly of depictions of sexual magic. It refers to methods which were unknown, still are unknown in the world of sexual magic, but about which has been written with such confidence that a lot of people thought there was something extraordinary going on. Many believed Richel and Eldermans to be a member of a secret sexual magical order. But is that based on truth or myth?
In this presentation you will learn much more about Richel, Eldermans and their fascination for the sexual side of magic, especially the sadomasochistic sexual magic and what inspired Eldermans to his collection of drawings concerning this sexual magic…
See also:
Sabine Wong has also been invited to the Summer Symposium and will be giving a presentation about “Nature Spirits of Iceland / Natuurgeesten in IJsland” She studied Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam and this was the subject of her dissertation.
Costs: PFI members EUR 12,50 Non PFI members EUR 15
For more information and to reserve tickets please contact Morgana:
Refreshments will be available.
There will also be a small market and a book-signing session with Wilmar Taal
For more information and updates:
Looking forward to seeing you all!
Morgana & Lady Bara